수착직물의 분석을 통한 심천리와 문산리고분군 직물의 특성

The Characteristics of Attached Textiles on the Remains of Shimchun-ri and Moonsan-ri Tombs

  • Park, Yoon-Mee (Major Clothing & Textiles, Gyeongsang National University) ;
  • Jeong, Bok-Nam (Major Clothing & Textiles, Gyeongsang National University)
  • 투고 : 2006.11.14
  • 발행 : 2007.04.30


This study is about the fabric attached to the relics excavated from the Shimchun-ri tomb of the 4th century and the Moonsan-ri tombs of the 5th century. We studied 5 pieces of fabric from the Shimchun-ri tomb: one piece was silk and the other four pieces were hemp. We were able to observe 8 pieces from the four tombs in Moonsan-ri, All of them except one ramie were silk. The two kinds of bast fiber found in the tombs of Shimchun-ri and Moonsan-ri were hemp and ramie, and they were found to be plain woven with S-twist thread which thickness is uneven. The density was more fine compared to the hemps found in the Kaya or Shinra tombs of the similar era. All of the silk textiles found in the Shimchun-ri and Moonsan-ri tombs used non-twisted thread, and were plain woven. Also, we found degummed and raw silk from the tombs. The average density of the silk textiles from these tombs are similar to other areas of the same time, and studies show that they used non-twisted thread in plain woven silk found in other tombs. Therefore, we can conclude that they usually used non-twisted thread when producing silk textiles.



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