계면활성제 수용액에서 몇가지 용질의 확산거동 특성

Diffusion Behavior Characteristics of Some Solutes in Surfactant Aqueous Solutions

  • 안범수 (대진대학교 자연과학대학 화학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.03.31


The diffusion behavior of phenol, toluene and benzoic acid in aqueous SDS solution was examined. It showed a similar experimental results for phenol and toluene. The diffusion coefficients of the solutes were characterized by the presence of two distinct regions: below the cmc and above the cmc. For phenol and toluene, it remained approximately unchanged when the SDS concentration was below the cmc. Above the cmc there was an apparent decrease in the diffusion coefficients of the two solutes with increasing SDS concentration. However, for benzoic acid the diffusion behavior was different from that of phenol and toluene. The diffusion coefficient of benzoic acid decreased slightly with increasing SDS concentration, however the diffusion coefficient was almost constant above the cmc. For benzoic acid the diffusion behavior was dependent on the joint contribution of benzoic acid molecules as well as the benzoate ions.



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