A Study on the Relationship between Impact Point of Vehicle and Throw Distance of Pedestrian

충격 지점과 보행자 전도 거리의 상관관계에 관한 연구

  • 강대민 (부경대학교 기계공학부) ;
  • 안승모 (부경대학교 대학원 기계공학부)
  • Published : 2007.09.30


The fatalities of pedestrian account for about 40.0% of all fatalities in Korea 2005. Vehicle-Pedestrian accident generates trajectory of pedestrian. In pedestrian involved accident, the most important data to inspect accident is throw distance of pedestrian. The throw distance of pedestrian can be influenced by many variables. The variables that influence trajectory of pedestrian can be classified into vehicular factors, pedestrian factors, and road factors. Vehicular factors are the frontal shape of vehicle, impact speed of vehicle, the offset of impact point. Many studies have been done about the relation between impact speed and throw distance of pedestrian. But the influence of the offset of impact point was neglected. The influence of the offset of impact point was analyzed by Working Model, and the trajectory of pedestrian, dynamic characteristics of multi-body were analyzed by PC-CRASH, a kinetic analysis program for a traffic accident. Based on the results, the increase of offset reduced the throw distance of pedestrian. However box type vehicle just like bus, the offset of impact point did not influence the throw distance of pedestrian considerably.
