Updated Pretreatment Technologies for Automotive in Japan

  • 발행 : 2007.10.31


Recently, to avoid global warming, reduction of $CO_2$ generation has been demanded. Each car manufacture takes positive actions for improvement in fuel consumption by various kinds of countermeasures, e.g. improving engine efficiency, using alternative fuels, lightening the car body. Regarding lightening of the car body, aluminum alloys and high tensile strength steels has been gradually adopted as lightweight materials. However, such materials are normally not easy to be treated with zinc phosphate system. Focusing the pre-treatment processes, low temperature phosphate system could be demanded for energy saving. This time, new surface conditioning process for lightweight materials and low temperature phosphate system shall be discussed.



  1. G. Lorin, Phosphating of Metals, Finishing Publications Ltd. (1974)
  2. D.B. Freeman, Phosphating and metal pretreatment, Woodhead-Faulkner Ltd. (1986)
  3. Werner Rausch, Phosphating of Metals, Finishing Publications Ltd. (1990)
  4. Y.Nagashima, H.Ishii, A.Yoshida, H.Nagae, The 4h Pacific Coating Forum (1997)
  5. N.Kobayashi, Toso Kogyo, 37(6) (2002)
  6. R.Kojima, Recycling of Phosphating sludge, Nihon Parkerizing Technical Report, No.7 (1994)
  7. T.Nakayama, K.Shimoda, Y.Takagi, T.Matsushita, Development of Liquid Surface Conditioner, SAE Technical Paper Series, 2001-01-0645