Material Integrity Assessment for a Ni Electrodeposit inside a Tube

  • Kim, Dong-Jin (Division of Nuclear Material Technology Developments, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(KAERI)) ;
  • Kim, Myong Jin (Division of Nuclear Material Technology Developments, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(KAERI)) ;
  • Kim, Joung Soo (Division of Nuclear Material Technology Developments, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(KAERI)) ;
  • Kim, Hong Pyo (Division of Nuclear Material Technology Developments, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute(KAERI))
  • 발행 : 2007.10.31


Due to the occasional occurrence of a localizedcorrosion such as a SCC and pitting in steam generator tubing(Alloy 600), leading to a significant economical loss, an effective repair technology is needed. For a successful electrodeposition inside a tube, many processes should be developed. Among these processes, an anode to be installed inside a tube, a degreasing condition to remove any dirt and grease, an activation condition for a surface oxide elimination, a strike layer forming condition which needs to be adhered tightly between an electroforming layer and a parent tube and a condition for an electroforming layer should be established. Through a combination of these various process condition parameters, the desired material properties can be acquired. Among these process parameters, various material properties including a mechanical property and its variation along with the height of the electrodeposit inside a tube as well as its thermal stability and SCC resistance should be assessed for an application in a plant. This work deals with the material properties of the Ni electrodeposits formed inside a tube by using the anode developed in this study such as the current efficiency, hardness, tensile property, thermal stability and SCC behavior of the electrodeposit in a 40wt% NaOH solution at $315^{\circ}C$. It was found that a variation of the material properties within the entire length of the electrodeposit was quite acceptable and the Ni electrodeposit showed an excellent SCC resistance.



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