Choanoflagellates (Protist) from Marine Sediments of South-Eastern Australia

  • Lee, Won-Je (Department of Environmental Engineering, Kyungnam University)
  • 발행 : 2007.05.31


Choanoflagellates were encountered in marine sediments of Gippsland Basin (Australia) and were classified into 8 species, 5 genera in 2 families. The species rarely found in this study were Acanthocorbis unguiculata, Acanthoeca spectabilis, Polyoeca dichotoma and Saepicula pulchra of the family Acanthoecidae; Salpingoeca amphoridium, Salpingoeca infusionum, Salpingoeca megacheila and Salpingoeca tuba of the family Salpingoecidae. Their descriptions were based on living specimens. Their morphological characters and geographic distribution are presented.



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