고분자 나노복합재료의 가공조건 및 물성 최적화

Optimization of Processing Conditions and Mechanical Properties in Polymer Nanocomposite

  • 발행 : 2007.11.01


Nanocomposites are used as a new class of polymer system and many researchers have been interested in the clay nanocomposite because of its good mechanical properties, heat resistance, flame retardancy, and barrier property. Modified layered silicates as fillers are dispersed at a nanometer-level within a polymer matrix and then new extraordinary properties are observed. In this study, polypropylene/clay nanocomposites were prepared in a twin screw extruder by the melt compounding method. In order to increase the compatibility of PP with the clay, the MAPP was used as a compatibilizer. And organic modified clays were used as a nanometric filler during the melt extrusion. Through the analysis of SAXS, WAXS, the dispersion of clay was investigated. These nanocomposites compared with a neat polypropylene/talc composite have high modulus, low toughness, and reduced shrinkage at the stable dispersion.



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