탄소나노튜브로 둘러싸인 나노와이어 구조의 오실레이터 응용

Application of Carbon Nanotube Encapsulating Nanowire

  • 송영진 (건양대학교 전자정보공학과)
  • Song, Young-Jin (Department of Electronic Information Engineering, Konynag University)
  • 발행 : 2007.12.30


Carbon nanotube oscillators encapsulating copper nanowire were investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. The excess forces due to the carbon-carbon van der Waals interactions are higher than the excess force due to carbon-copper interactions. And the masses of copper atoms are higher than those of carbon atoms. So, the carbon atoms are easier accelerated than the copper atoms. When the encapsulated copper nanowire deforms the encapsulating nanotube, the frequency can not be estimated by the mass-frequency dependence in classical oscillation theory.
