고객만족에 기초한 의류제품 품질특성분류에 관한 연구

A Study on Classification of Apparel Product Quality Characteristics Based on Customer Satisfaction

  • 발행 : 2007.05.31


Customer expectations and requirements for products play an important role in product planning for companies and decision making process for the consumer. These expectations are expressed by product qualities that consumers consider important when they purchase. Therefore, to identify quality elements that reflect consumer requirements would be a useful guide for companies. The purposes of this study are to find out quality factors of apparel product, to identify apparel product quality elements using Kano's theory, to find attributes of product which improvement are required. Women over 20 years-old from metropolitan areas in South Korea participated in the study and a quota sampling method was used. A questionnaire was arranged with four separate subject sections, importance of quality, Kano's questionnaires, and demographics. Data from 525 questionnaires were used for the statistical analysis. The results were as follows: Six dimensions of product quality(i.e., usefulness, performance, aesthetic, symbol, individuality and appearance) were identified. According to Kano's quality elements, performance was categorized into must-be quality which could lead to product dissatisfaction. Usefulness and appearance were categorized into one-dimensional quality which lead to both satisfaction and dissatisfaction. Aesthetic, symbol, and individuality was categorized into attractive quality which could lead to satisfaction. Findings of this study provide both industry and academic researchers with a guide to increase customer satisfaction in the product development process.



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