형질전환된 담배세포배양을 이용한 hGM-CSF 생산에서 여러 가지 단백질 안정제가 미치는 영향

Effects of Various Stabilizers on the Production of hGM-CSF in Transgenic Nicotiana tabacum Suspension Cell Cultures

  • Cho, Jong-Moon (Department of Biological Engineering, Inha University) ;
  • Kim, Dong-Il (Department of Biological Engineering, Inha University)
  • 발행 : 2007.08.30


Productivity of secreted recombinant protein depends largely on its stability in the extracellular environment with protease. Most hGM-CSF produced by transgenic tobacco cell cultures and secreted to the medium was confirmed to be rapidly degraded by protease in medium. To increase the productivity, therefore, various protein stabilizers such as gelling agents such as carrageenan and alginate, polymers, polyols, and amino acids have been tested. The stability of hGM-CSF in spent medium without cells was improved by the presence of gelling agents. However, the reason for the enhanced production by the addition of gelling agents may be due to the increased expression level and permeability rather than stability. The addition of DMSO inhibited the cell growth, but improved specific yield. The others were not effective for stability as well as hGM-CSF production.



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