유아교사의 임파워먼트와 조직효과성과의 관계 - 개인 및 조직특성 중재효과를 중심으로 -

A Study on the Relationship between Teacher Empowerment and Organizational Effectiveness in Early Childhood Educational Institutes : Focused on the Moderating Effects of Personal and Organizational Characteristics

  • 발행 : 2007.10.30


This study was intended to investigate the influence of teacher empowerment on organizational? effectiveness, and the moderating effects of personal and organizational characteristics on the relationship of teacher empowerment and organizational effectiveness in early childhood educational institutes. The subjects in this study were 808 teachers who worked at kindergartens and childcare centers located in all parts of Korea. This study was surveyed with the questionnaires. The results are as follows. Firstly, teacher empowerment had a positive and meaningful influence on all components of organizational effectiveness, such as organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and job performance. Secondly, as for the moderating effects of personal and organizational characteristics on the relationship of teacher empowerment and organizational effectiveness, teachers' educational background had moderating effects on job performance of organizational effectiveness, and married or unmarried status of teachers, teachers' experiences in other institutes, type of institute, and the number of teachers working in an institute had moderating effects on organizational commitment. Also, the number of teachers working in an institute had moderating effects on job satisfaction. However, teachers' period of service in their present institutes didn't have moderating effects between teacher empowerment and organizational effectiveness.



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