청소년 소비자의 합리적 소비생활과 상표지향성에 관한 연구

Rational Consumption Life and Brand Orientation of Adolescent Consumers

  • 김시월 (건국대학교 소비자정보학과) ;
  • 노영래 (건국대학교 소비자정보학과)
  • Kim, Si-Wuel (Department of Consumer Information Science, Konkuk University) ;
  • Roh, Young-Lae (Department of Consumer Information Science, Konkuk University)
  • 발행 : 2007.10.30


The purpose of this study was to determine the level of reasonable consumer habits of adolescents based on their consumer socialization, consumer education, and purchasing skills, and to determine their brand orientation based on facts that adolescent years is the determining period for consumer socialization, that their role as consumers take up relative importance, and that consumer habits during this period is extremely important. The directions of consumer education for forming a reasonable consumer culture for adolescents based on the results of the study are presented as follows. First, by conducting a training program for consumer counselor that supports courses such as consumer aid that are held for adolescent consumers, adolescents must be led towards logical purchase habits and to practice reasonable purchase habits. Second, since consumer attitude that is learned and formed since youth is important, discussion sessions as well as consumer education programs that can foster proper consumer knowledge, attitude, and function needs to be developed by schools and the government. Third, This can form improper consumption values such as over consumptions, conspicuous consumption, and impulsive purchase that may appear in their adult years; therefore, a consumer education program must be continued in the homes, schools, and by the government so that adolescents can learn manage reasonable consumer values and consumer habits.



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