A Latent Variable Structure Equation Modeling Approach: Family Contexts Predicting School Adjustments Among Korean Secondary Students

  • Auh, Seong-Yeon (Dept. of Human Development and Family Studies, Research Institute for Studies in Education, Iowa State University) ;
  • Kim, Eun-Joo (Dept. of Health Management, Hyupsung University)
  • Published : 2007.12.30


Korean secondary school students (n=263) responded to surveys measuring their family contexts and school adjustment during the time period August-September 2004. Structure Equation Modeling tests were conducted to identify the nested model on school adjustment, a latent variable constructed with peer relations, teacher-adolescent relations, and academic attitude. In the nested model, parental involvement was a powerful predictor for school adjustment. Family conflict had a negative impact on school adjustment and was statistically significantly when correlated with the other predictors in the model. These finding suggested that family contexts play an important role in Korean adolescents' school adjustment. Hence, adolescents' perceived GPA level and satisfaction for school were important predictors for school adjustment.



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