Taijiquan is possible for us to use not only as a martial art, but also as a physical exercise and a way to discipline human mind, and so it is called 'moving-Zen' and is a martial art to discipline human body and mind against different diseases and stress of modern adult people caused by our modern advanced civilization. We can look at natural passion as one of the most fundamental categories in Philosophy as a minimum material unit comprising all nature. Taijiquan is an exercise with natural passion, flowing through all the body, leading the natural passion with our mind, and moving our body with the natural energy. Also, all the motions in Taijiquan were made based on Yin and Yang. Taijiquan is a discipling way to reach Taegeuk through Yin and Yang and to train ourselves together. The realization of Taegeuk is to reach Taegeuk through the discipline of Taegeuk and can lead to Taegeuk through the unification of the inside and the outside(內外合一), the mutually complementing(剛柔相濟), the circling of the heavenly body(周天) of Taijiquan. The strength and the weakness help each other, the mind and the body is unified, the mixture of the rapidness and the slowness is appropriate, the form and the consciousness are combined into one and move, naturally unified into one(形意結合), and progressive and regressive Junsakyung are combined and move, naturally forming Turoh(套路) where Yin and Yang are unified. The discipline of Taijiquan is not only for maintaining our health, but also for leading to Taegeuk, an ultimate entity, which had existed before the day when all things were generated as its essence and has existed since then.