Literature Review: Pedagogical Content Knowledge as Specialized Knowledge for Teaching

  • Lee, Eun-Mi (Department of Learning Sciences, School of Education and Social Policy, Northwestern University)
  • Published : 2007.11.30


During the last two decades, many researchers have attempted to understand pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). Now it is time to think about how to apply the theoretical aspects of PCK to practice. In an attempt to address this issue, it is indispensable to review the existing literature on teachers' knowledge bases and PCK. Therefore, the purposes of this paper are to look at how the concept of PCK has been developed and extended over the past two decades as well as to provide a shared understanding of PCK for the practical use of this concept in teacher education programs. The paper begins with a discussion of various models of teachers' knowledge as conceptualized by several renowned researchers, moves on to a review of existing research focusing on the knowledge of science teachers, then examines the literature on PCK as a critical part of teachers' professional knowledge, and finally concludes with an integrated operational definition of PCK that can be employed into designing teacher education programs.



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