운전자의 개인적 특성에 따른 운전행동의 차이 및 법규위반횟수에 대한 인과관계 분석

The Analysis of the Differences of Driving Behaviors According to Drivers' Personal Characteristics and the Causal Relationship between Personal Characteristics and the Number of Traffic Violations

  • 이현주 (배재대학교 교양교육지원센터)
  • 발행 : 2007.04.30


본 연구는 운전자의 지각-운동기술과 안전지향동기와 같은 인지적 특성과 신체적 사회적인 위험을 무릅쓰게 하는 감각추구성향과 같은 인성적 특성, 자신이 지각하는 운전능력과 평상시의 운전행동이 법규위반횟수와 어떤 관계를 맺고 영향을 끼치는지를 밝히고자 하였다. 연구대상은 총 352명이며 연구방법으로는 감각추구성향 정도, 운전능력에 따른 운전행동에 대한 차이 검증을 위하여 다변량분석을 실시하고, 구조방정식모형을 통해 인구통계학적 특성(연령, 운전경력), 감각추구성향, 운전능력 운전행동, 법규위반횟수의 인과관계를 분석한다. 연구 결과 운전자가 지각-동작기술이 뛰어나면 다른 도로이용자를 배려하는 긍정적인 운전행동을 많이 하고 안전지향동기가 높을수록 고의적이든 실수로 인한 것이든 법규위반행동은 적게 하고 긍정적인 운전행동을 많이 하는 것으로 분석되었다. 그리고 지각-운동기술이 뛰어나고, 감각추구성향이 높으며 안전지향동기가 낮을수록 고의적인 법규위반행동을 많이 하고, 연령이 높을수록 타인을 배려하는 운전행동을 많이 하고 있었다. 운전능력이 우수하고 실수행동과 위반행동을 많이 하고 긍정적인 운전행동을 적게 하는 운전자가 법규위반횟수가 많은 것으로 나타났다. LISREL분석결과, 연구변인들 간 인과관계가 검증되었다(적합도 지수 : $x^2$=341.62(p=.00), GFI=.94, RMR=.10)

This study investigated how drivers' cognitive characteristics, such as perception-motor skills and safety-seeking motivation; personal characteristics, such as sensation-seeking disposition coping with physical and social dangers; their self-perceived driving ability; and their normal driving behaviors influence the number of driving violations. 352 drivers participated in the study. MANOVA was performed in order to test the differences in their driving behaviors according to their level of sensation-seeking disposition and driving ability, and Structural Equation Modeling was used to examine the causal relationships among their demographic characteristics, sensation-seeking dispositions, driving ability, driving behaviors and the number of violations. The results indicated that drivers who had higher perception-motor skills seemed to be careful with pedestrians. From the results, drivers who had somewhat higher safety-seeking motivation tended to violate fewer traffic regulations intentionally or accidentally and showed more positive driving behaviors. Furthermore, drivers who had higher perception-motor skills, higher sensation-seeking disposition, and lower safety-seeking motivation had a tendency to violate intentionally more traffic regulations. The older drivers showed driving behaviors that were careful of pedestrians. The drivers who had higher sensation-seeking disposition and longer driving careers violated more traffic regulations, both intentionally and accidentally. Results from LISREL indicated that the predictive variables directly or indirectly influenced on drivers' violation numbers ($x^2$=341.62(p=.00), GFI=.94. RMR=.10).



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