A Study on Issues of Heavy Debtors and Credit Counseling in Japan : Including the Interview of Counselors in the Credit Counseling Service

일본의 다중채무자문제 및 채무자상담에 관한 연구 :채무자상담기관의 상담자 면접조사를 포함하여

  • Lee, Hyun-Jin (Dept. of Consumer Information Science, Konkuk Univ.)
  • 이현진 (건국대학교 상경대학 소비자정보학과)
  • Published : 2007.04.30


This study is a qualitative analysis aimed at facilitating a plan of social support for heavy debtors. for this purpose, the status of issues related to heavy debtors in Japan is considered, and more is revealed about the status of operation for non-profit organizations and groups of heavy debtor victims as counseling agencies for heavy debtors. In addition, through interviews conducted with the counselors of these organizations, a survey has been made on whether the credit counseling provides particular functions for and increases the satisfaction of debtors. The root of Japan's large number of heavy debtors lay in that country's excessive growth of consumer financing, the increase of its use, the structural problems on the lending system of consumer financing and legal insufficiency, to name of few fundamental problems. The interviews on debtor counseling in private organizations revealed that the debtors being counseled showed a great change, due primarily to group counseling and activities, in such aspects as psychological stability, learning and understanding about heavy debts and willingness to take action for solving their own problems. In addition, regarding the aspects of time and cost, specialty, mutual exchange of experienced persons, psychological care and educational functions, the importance of the debtor counseling group's role has been established. To improve the problems of heavy debtors in Korea, there is a need to promote the importance of debtor counseling increase the interest and support of the administration, create a sense of solidarity among related organizations and promote public education on consumer credit. The support of the consumer credit industry and the development of human resources are also badly needed.



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