문제음주부모를 둔 청소년의 성인아이성향과 심리사회적 특성

Children's COA & Psychological-social Character by Parent's Problem Drinking

  • 양혜진 (대전대학교 사회복지학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.04.30


This is an investigative study to consider children's COA by parent's problem drinking and their psychological-social character by the COA. According to the results of this study, almost half of the children's COA, among those who have problem drinking parents, demonstrated high dangerous lever in the lower factors, such as emotional character, personnel relative character, and co-dependent character. Results of the inspection into the differences between the psyrhological-social characters, according to the danger lever of the children's COA, suggested the children's danger lever is higher, the self-efficiency and adaptable flexibility, which are the psychological-social characters, are lower, and there are no special differences in the social-support.



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