Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society (한국산학기술학회논문지)
- Volume 8 Issue 2
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- Pages.380-384
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- 2007
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- 1975-4701(pISSN)
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- 2288-4688(eISSN)
A study on the effect of the water purification by Lythrum anceps, Pistia straiotes, Oenanthe javanica, and Phragmites japonica
부처꽃, 물상추, 미나리, 달뿌리풀의 수질정화효과에 관한 연구
The COD removal capacity of aquatic plants, when foamed glasses were not used, showed 56% for Pistia straiotes, 48% for Phragmites japonica and 41% for Oenanthe javanica, but no significant COD removal was observed for Lythrum anceps. When the foamed glasses were used as support materials, the COD removal efficiency increased for all aquatic plants used in this study showing 69% fur Pistia straiotes, 68% for Pharagmites japonica 62% for Oenanthe javanica, respectively. The T-N removal efficiency of aquatic plants when foamed glasses were used as support materials showed 91% for Lythrum anceps and 93% for Phragmites japonica. Similar removal efficiency was observed as 94% for all aquatic plants planted as a group used in this study. The T-P removal efficiency of aquatic plants when foamed glasses were not used showed 35% for Lythrum anceps, 8% for Phragmites japonica, however, that, when foamed glasses were used, ranged 78% for Lythrum anceps, 43% for Phragmites japonica, showing that the foamed glasses increase the T-P removal efficiency of aquatic plants used in this study.
COD 제거효율은 각 조의 부처꽃을 제외한 대조군의 경우 물상추 56%, 달뿌리풀 48%, 미나리 41%의 효율을 보이고, 발포유리가 첨가된 조의 경우는 물상추 69%, 달뿌리풀 68% 미나리 62%의 제거효율을 보임으로써 발포유리를 첨가한 조의 COD 제거효율이 대조군 보다 높았다. T-N의 제거효율은 발포유리를 첨가한 조의 경우 부처꽃 91%, 달뿌리풀 93%와 발포유리를 첨가한 혼합조가 94%의 높은 T-N 제거효율 보임으로써 모든 질소성분이 제거된 것으로 사료된다. T-P의 제거효율은 대조군의 부처꽃 35%, 달뿌리풀 8%이며, 발포유리를 첨가한 조의 부처꽃 78%, 달뿌리풀 43%로 발포유리를 첨가한조의 T-P 제거효율이 대조군 보다 높았다.