미디어 아트에 나타난 시공간 개념의 표현 특성에 관한 연구

A Study on the Characteristics of Expression of Time-Space Concept in Media Art

  • 서경원 (숭실대학교 건축학부 실내디자인학과) ;
  • 임경란 (숭실대학교 건축학부 실내건축학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.04.30


The concept of time-space to be seen in the modem society has complex features at the points of scientific, philosophical, artistic, religious point of view. It has been brought up at a points of neo centric religious, philosophical view and then after, phenomenal approach and scientific approach were rendered through Newton and Einstein and so many scholar approaches affected the artistic field significantly. With such visual expression, it has affected the paintings for a long time till the 19th century, and then has affected various fields such as photography, film, video, computer, architecture and has currently affected the various space expressive of our daily lives and virtual space of digital. This study is to extract a visual and expressionistic characteristic through historical examination and multi-scholar analysis of time-space concept. Especially, by expanding the previous time and space concept, experimental cases and expressionistic characteristics has come up on the media art that offers various experience and by analyzing the expressionistic characteristics of the time-space concept expressed in media art, it is to extract the basic factors for the diversity of space experience.



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