도시 마케팅 전략으로서 공공공간 디자인에 관한 연구

A Study on the Designing Public Space as a City Marketing Strategy

  • 하선미 (홍익대학교 대학원 공간디자인과) ;
  • 김주연 (홍익대학교 디자인학부)
  • 발행 : 2007.04.30


In the aspects of the globalization and localization, it is crucial to determine 'Urban selling point', which explains how to make an image: in order to acquire city identity based on the cultural and historical understanding for the Positive city image. The Purpose of this study is to investigate the possible role of the public space as a tool of the city marketing strategy, as well as to realize the cultural city identity through the design of the public space by studying cases which promote the value of life for both of the city and the citizens. Two methodologies are utilized for this study; First, he value in realizing cultural identity is examined through the city identity related to the city marketing and theoretical review of city amenity; second, the several domestic and international cases of cultural planning in culture-accumulated public space are selected and analyzed to map out new strategies from the perspective of place strategy, cultural strategy, and marketing strategy. The results from this study are as follows; first, the culture-accumulated public space through the formation of culture has its own characterized meaning, which has the significant value for the city representative image; second, when planning the culture-accumulated public space, it is important to select not only the appropriate image strategy but the adequate type of the public space for the city planning.



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