커뮤니티 공간을 연계한 봉안당(奉安堂) 공간계획에 관한 연구

A Study on the Space Plan of Charnel House Connected with Community Space

  • 발행 : 2007.04.30


Because the hatred and phenomenon of NIMBY for charnel house become an issue, it is the actual condition that charnel facilities are not activated in urban. The purpose of this study Is to examine the space plan of charnel house that introduces the community concept; and then shows the way of interior design for charnel house connected with community space. The following researches are drawn based upon the purpose First, the present conditions and general functions of charnel house are considered closely and revised funeral policy that affects the organization of interior space in charnel house is analysed. Second, the case study for chanel house is limited to the indoor types among the existing researches for charnel house plan. Four charnel houses where were built after 2000 are selected for building standard of space organization in charnel house connected with community facility. Third, the concept and function of community space are considered and the space which can accommodate in charnel house is investigated. Fourth, the concept and organizational framework model of charnel house connected with community facility as a intermediate area In urban Indicate. Fifth, the concrete interior plan for charnel house connected with community space is proposed on the design case of charnel house that are located in urban area. The result of this study is expected to reduce a complicated matter with local residents and to have a correct understanding of charnel house in the future as the existing charnel facilities that have financial difficulty should make a remodeling plan including the community space that give mutual connection to area.



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