베를린 필하모니 콘서트홀에 나타난 한스 샤룬의 건축적 특성 연구

A Study on Hans Scharoun's Architectural Characteristics of Berlin Philharmonic Concert Hall

  • 주범 (건국대학교 건축대학 건축공학부) ;
  • 김홍기 (숭실대학교 건축학부)
  • 발행 : 2007.04.30


Berlin Philharmonic Concert Hall is one of most prominent architecture of Hans Scharoun, which is known as the fine combination of the functionalism as an important factor in modern architecture and the hi-developed technology Moreover, the plan and spatial planning of the concert hall is famous for its evolutionary approach compared to other traditional concert halls. The objective of this paper is to examine forms and organic system of functions of this concert hall in order to re-evaluate it's historical meanings in our modern architecture history, The current study will also look into how the personal background of Hans Scharoun has influenced his design in various ways, especially the inside of lobby and auditorium of Berlin Philharmonic Concert Hall.



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