유통과학연구 (Journal of Distribution Science)
- 제5권1호
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- Pages.57-73
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- 2007
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- 1738-3110(pISSN)
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- 2093-7717(eISSN)
물류정보화 수준이 물류성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - 농산물을 중심으로 -
An Empirical Study on Information system for Performance of Phisical Distribution - by Agricaltural Products -
- Kwon, Oh-cheol (Gangneung Yeongdong College) ;
- Kim, Sang-cheol (Yuhan College)
- 발행 : 2007.06.30
농산품의 물류관리 정보시스템의 최적화로 물류 정보수준에 따른 성과를 실증 분석하여 물류관리의 효율성과 효과성을 높이는 측면에서 개선방안을 제시하여 물류효율성을 향상시키는데 본 연구의 목적이 있다. 본 연구의 분석방향은 첫째, 조직특성 및 조직전략에 따라 정보기술수준은 물류성과에 영향을 미칠 것인지를 분석하였다. 물류성과는 고객물류서비스 향상과 판매물류비용절감으로 나누어서 측정을 하였다. 둘째, 물류정보시스템 활용수준과 정보기술은 직접적으로 물류성과에 어떠한 영향을 미치고 있는가를 분석하였다. 연구 결과에 의하면, 농산품 물류정보시스템 도입을 물류기업의 경쟁력 강화요인으로 인식하는 기업들은 비교적 물류정보기술 활용수준이 높았고 물류 정보시스템이 농산품 물류서비스 향상과 물류비 관리의 통합망을 구축하는 링크관리를 실시함으로서 농산품 물류 효율성을 높이고 있었다. 그러므로 농산품 물류기업의 물류경쟁력을 높이기 위하여 물류정보기술수준을 높여야 하고 농산품업체의 물류관리와 관련된 의사결정자의 정보마인드가 필요하고 물류업무의 표준화, 정보시스템의 구축전문 인력의 양성과 함께 물류교육이 뒷받침되어야 할 것이다.
There are more problems in distributing agricultural and special products than industrial products because they have such restrictions as seasonal fluctuation in the quantity, indeterminate and diverse shapes, many farm households, a small amount of shipment, and mandatory guide and maintenance. However, with social atmosphere called well-being, there are increasing concerns about inorganic agricultural products and direct trade with farmers. It is therefore urgent to stabilize the price of agricultural and special products and to correctly grasp and improve logistics activities for those dealing with agricultural and special products in order to supply fresh ones. This study aimed at examining logistics activities and the information technology level for agricultural and special products, determining how these factors affect logistics performance, and eventually suggesting a scheme to improve the logistics achievements for agricultural and special products. For this purpose, it selected information technology and logistics activity levels as independent variables and logistics performance as a dependent variable. The information technology level was measured for utility, holding level, and concern, respectively, and the logistics activity level was tested for the level of using the logistics information system in those companies concerned. From the above-mentioned findings, it is urgent to enhance distribution technology and its level immediately since distribution of agricultural and special products is poor in Korea and good distribution can contribute to a reduction of logistics costs or improvement of customer service.