한국전문물리치료학회지 (Physical Therapy Korea)
- 제14권3호
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- Pages.64-71
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- 2007
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- 1225-8962(pISSN)
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- 2287-982X(eISSN)
뇌졸중 환자의 균형과 기능 수행 및 보행 검사를 위한 평가도구의 비교: BBS, TUG, TUG, Fugl-Meyer, MAS-G, C·MGS, and MBI
Correlation Between Balance, Walking Test and Functional Performance in Stroke Patients: BBS, TUG, Fugl-Meyer, MAS-G, C·MGS, and MBI
- An, Seung-Heon (Dept. of Physical Therapy, National Rehabilitation Center) ;
- Park, Chang-Sik (Dept. of Occupational Therapy, Seonam University) ;
- Lee, Hyun-Ju (Dept. of Physical Therapy, Andong Science College)
- 투고 : 2007.03.22
- 심사 : 2007.07.19
- 발행 : 2007.09.17
The purposes of this study were to determine correlations between the Berg Balance Test (BBS), Timed -UP & Go Test, Fugl Meyer-L/E, Balance, Sensory (FM-L/E, B, S), Motor Assessment Scale-Gait (MAS-G), Comfortable maximal Gait Speed (C MGS), and the Modified Barthel Index (MBI). The subjects were 40 stroke patients of the Korea National Rehabilitation Center in Seoul. Main outcome measures were Balance control (BBS, FM-B), Gait (TUG, C MGS, MAS-G), ADL (MBI) and Motor Function of Lower Extremities (FM-L/E, S). The data were analyzed using Pearson product correlation. FM scales between other clinical and instrumental indexes and multiple stepwise regression analyses were performed to identify prognostic factors for Balance, Gait and ADL Motor Function of Lower Extremity inclinations. The results of this study were as follows: The BBS, FM-L/E, balance, sensory and MBI showed positive correlation relations, but TUG and C MGS showed negative correlations. The sensory factor of the FM-scale showed the strongest variance in predicting BBS. However the FM-balance showed the strongest variance in predicting TUG, MAS-G and C MGS. The use of both quantitative and qualitative scales was shown to be a good measuring instrument for the classification of the general clinical performance of the patients.