셀프 센싱을 이용한 피에조 잉크젯의 파형 설계

Waveform Design for Piezo Inkjet via Self- sensing Measurement

  • 발행 : 2007.04.20


Waveform design method for inkjet printing has been proposed tv pressure wave measurement. The pressure wane inside the inkjet dispenser can be effectively measured by current measurement due to self-sensing capability of PZT. The pressure wave measured from current was verified by commercially availablelaser vibrometer. In order to obtain high speed inkjet droplets, two pulse waveform was designed such that the pressure wane after droplet formation can be minimized.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Optimization of the Excitation signal for a novel piezoelectric micro-jet vol.61, pp.2261-236X, 2016,