GMO 격리포장에서의 유전자변형 들잔디로부터 토착미생물로의 수평유전자전달 평가

Evaluation of horizontal gene transfer from genetically modified zoysiagrass to the indigenous microorganisms in isolated GMO field

  • 배태웅 (제주대학교 생명지원과학대학 생명공학부) ;
  • 이효연 (제주대학교 생명지원과학대학 생명공학부) ;
  • 류기현 (서울여자대학교 환경생명과학부) ;
  • 이태형 (동국대학교 생명공학과) ;
  • 임평옥 (제주대학교 사범대학 과학교육과) ;
  • 윤필용 (제주하이테크산업진흥원) ;
  • 박신영 (제주한라대학) ;
  • 류기중 (제주대학교 생명지원과학대학 생명공학부) ;
  • 송필순 (제주대학교 생명지원과학대학 생명공학부) ;
  • 이용억 (동국대학교 생명공학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.03.31


The release of genetically modified organisms ($GMO_{s}$) into the environment has the potential risks regarding the possibility of gene transfer from $GMO_{s}$ to natural organisms and this needs to be evaluated. This study was conducted to monitor the possible horizontal gene transfer from herbicide-resistant zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica Steud.) to indigenous microorganisms. We have first examined the effect of field-released GM zoysiagrass on the microbial flora in the gut of locust (Locusts mlgratoria). The microbial flora was analyzed through determining the 165 rDHA sequences of microorganisms. The comparison of the microbial flora in the gut of locusts that were captured at the field of GM zoysiagrass and of wild-type revealed that there is no noticeable difference between these two groups. This result indicates that the GM zoysiagrass does not have negative impact on microbial flora in the gut of locust. We then investigated whether the horizontal gene transfer occurred from GM zoysiagrass to microbes in soil, rhizosphere and faecal pellets from locusts by utilizing molecular tools such as Southern hybridization and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). When the total DNAs isolated from microbes in GM zoysiagrass and in wild-type zoysiagrass fields were hybridized with probes for bar or hpt gene, no hybridization signal was detected from both field isolates, while the probes were hybridized with DNA from the positive control. Absence of these genes in the FNAs of soil microorganisms as well as microbes in the gut of locust was further confirmed by PCR. Taken together, our data showed that horizontal gene transfer did not occur in this system. These results further indicate that frequencies of transfer of engineered plant DNA to bacteria are likely to be negligible.



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피인용 문헌

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  3. Development of distinction methods for male-sterile and dwarfism herbicide tolerant Zoysia japonica Steud vol.41, pp.3, 2014,
  4. Environmental risk assessment of genetically modified Herbicide-Tolerant zoysiagrass (Event: Jeju Green21) vol.38, pp.2, 2011,
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