재래종 흑돼지육과 개량종 돼지육의 냉장저장중 품질비교

Comparison of the Quality Characteristics of Korean Native Black Pork and Modern Genotype Pork During Refrigerated Storage

  • 강선문 (강원대학교 동물식품응용과학과) ;
  • 양성운 (중국 연변대학교 농학원) ;
  • 강창기 (강원대학교 동물식품응용과학과) ;
  • 이성기 (강원대학교 동물식품응용과학과)
  • Kang, S.M. (Department of Animal Products and Food Science, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Liang, C.Y. (College of Agriculture, Yanbian University) ;
  • Kang, C.G. (Department of Animal Products and Food Science, Kangwon National University) ;
  • Lee, Sung-Ki (Department of Animal Products and Food Science, Kangwon National University)
  • 발행 : 2007.02.28


본 연구는 재래종 흑돼지육과 개량종 돼지육의 냉장저장중 향기성분 및 패턴을 비롯한 품질을 비교하고자 실시하였다. 사육기간이 모두 6개월인 70kg의 재래흑돼지 5두와 103kg의 개량종 돼지(Landrace×Yorkshire) 5두로부터 발골한 뒷다리육(M. Biceps femoris)을 진공 포장하여 2±0.2℃에 12일 동안 저장하였다. 일반성분을 보면 재래흑돼지육의 수분 함량이 개량종 돼지육 보다 낮았으나(p<0.05), 조단백질 및 조회분 함량은 높았다(p<0.05). pH는 재래흑돼지육이 낮았고(p<0.05), 그에 따라 가열감량은 높았다(p<0.05). 표면육색을 보면 저장기간 동안 재래흑돼지육의 a*, b* 값이 개량종 돼지육 보다 높았다(p<0.05). TBARS는 저장 8일부터, 전단력은 저장 8일까지 재래흑돼지육이 높았다(p<0.05). SPME-GC/MS에 의한 가열육의 향기성분에서 일부 차이를 보였으나, 전자코에 의한 향기패턴 차이는 없었다. 따라서 재래흑돼지육은 색깔이 붉고 짙으며, 가열감량이 높았고 조직감도 단단하였다. 또한 기계적으로 향기특성의 차이를 구별하지 못했지만, 관능검사상 재래흑돼지육이 우수한 기호도를 나타내었다.

This study was carried out to compare the quality characteristics including aroma compounds and pattern of M. Biceps femoris from Korean native black pigs (70kg, 6 months, KNP) and modern genotype pigs (103kg, 6 months, Landrace×Yorkshire, MGP) during vacuum-storage at 2±0.2℃ for 12 days. KNP had high contents of crude protein and ash, but low content of moisture as compared to MGP (p<0.05). KNP showed lower pH and higher cooking loss than MGP (p<0.05) during storage. CIE a* and b* values of KNP significantly higher during storage as compared to those of MGP (p<0.05). TBARS value of KNP significantly increased after 8 days as compared to that of MGP (p<0.05). Shear force value of KNP was higher than that of MGP until 8 days (p<0.05). Volatiles by SPME-GS/MS was slightly different between KNP and MGP, but aroma pattern by electronic nose was not different. Therefore, KNP had redder and darker color, higher cooking loss and harder texture than MGP. The sensory quality of KNP was better than those of MGP (p<0.05), although aroma characteristics by instruments were not different between KNP and MGP.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Study on Processing Quality of Different Parts of Pork and Beef vol.32, pp.2, 2016,