An Analysis on the Importance of the Risk Factors Considering the Reasons for the Increase of the Subcontract Construction Project Bid Cost

건설프로젝트 하도급 입찰금액 상승요인을 고려한 리스크인자의 중요도에 관한 분석

  • 이성구 (목원대학교 대학원) ;
  • 신현인 (도원엔지니어링 건축사사무소)
  • Published : 2007.03.20


The aims of this study are to draw the project risk factors by grasping the relation especially between the construction preparation cost calculation and the project risk factors in the project's bidding stage, and to draw the cost estimate based on the risk when the orderer or the constructer performs the project and the main factors in calculating the most suitable construction cost by clarifying the understanding degree of the influence between the risk factors and the construction cost. In addition, this study can give a help to the proper decision -making through the prediction of the construction preparation cost, and this study is expected to give the basic data in developing the assessment tool for the most suitable construction cost of the project.



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