고정(藁精) 혼합비율에 따른 한지의 물성 비교

A Quality Comparison of Traditional Korean Papers: Mixtures of Bast-Fiber with Straw pulp(Rice straw paper) in Different Composition Ratio

  • 정선영 (광주대학교 인문대학 문헌정보학과)
  • Jung, Sun-Young (Dept. of Library and Information Sciences, College of Humanities and Social Sciences)
  • 발행 : 2007.03.30


The aim of this article is to review the general property of the famous traditional Korean paper, "rice straw paper"(Bast-Fiber mixed with straw pulp), and to compare the paper qualities varying with the composition ratio of straw pulp, in order to revive the traditional paper in modem Korea. The experiment was carried out by making first the two different mixture papers, i. e., one is the paper of 50% bast fiber mixed with 50% straw pulp, and the other is the paper of 75% bast fiber with 25% oats straw pulp, and finally the 100% bast fiber paper was made for the purpose of comparison. The qualitative properties of these three kinds of paper with the different mixing ratio of the straw pulp were evaluated, and the findings of the experiment can be summarized as follow: 1. As to the quality aspects of the paper strength like tensile strength, breaking length, elongation, and tear strength, the test proved the 100% bast fiber paper as best, and the 50% mixed paper as the next good one. 2. In aspect of the printing adaptability such as density, opacity, brightness, whiteness, lab colors, air permeability, and roughness, the 50% mixed paper proved to be the best, due to the short cells in the straw pulp. 3. As to the air permeability, the larger ratio of straw pulp was found to be the lesser, and 75% bast fiber with 25% straw pulp mixture paper and the 100% bast fiber one were found 1/5 degree efficient. 4. In terms of the water absorption degree, 100% bast fiber paper was the fastest, but in case of mixture paper, 50% mixed one was a little faster up to the point of 1cm, while the two kinds of mixed ones appear to be almost similar to each other beyond the point. 5. The straw pulp mixed paper, especially the 50% mixed one was evaluated as the highest by the calligraphers who had experienced using the papers in terms of movement and feeling of the caligraphy and painting. In addition, although the 25% mixed paper is judged to be good for book printing because of the strength, the 50% mixed paper can be thought to be more desirable for painting and calligraphy. In conclusion, we will be able to make the quality paper with durability, by mixing the straw pulp with the bast fiber in proper ratio, following the tradition of Korean paper making.



  1. 文宗實錄 卷4 郞位年 10월 康辰 '前縣藍 李云聊上 書曰 外方進上冊紙... 自今每年 慶尙道進麰節柳 木紙 各二千卷 全羅道藁精柳木紙各二千卷 忠淸 道麻骨紙一千卷江原道柳木一千卷其餘並皆減'
  2. 李圭景 五州衍文長箋散稿 卷 19紙品辦證說 '北關 人製紙 以耳麥桿 色梁黃蘗 故梁黃以厚 名曰黃紙 或稱藁精紙 以麥?曷造紙者也'
  3. 世宗實錄 卷65 16年 7月 壬辰 '命造印自治通鑑紙... 楮以國庫米 換易 役境內憎人 給與衣糧 如藁節.麰麥節.竹皮.麻骨等物 因其易備 每五分交楮 一分造之'
  4. 端宗實錄 卷 11 2年 6月 壬寅“議政府據戶團呈啓 我國産楮處少 而京外所用紙 皆收楮於民間 弊甚貲 今用草節木皮一斤和楮三兩寫紙 亦可用 請自 今不得已用楮紙外 常時所用 竝用雜草紙'
  5. 朴世堂 穡經 土紙法 '雀麥... 令細軟如末 一筒入藁屑三斗又取故紙斤五兩 預浸水搗爛 同入筒 以楮膠一盆灌之 又膠一分盆預置傍 浮紙時 隨減隨添 此法一筒得北紙二十卷 一云稻藁或雀麥藁去節 細坐 以好灰水和煮三兩日 碩磑淋水磨細作屑 篩下和楮一升藁二斤 用生楮有力用故無力 一法爛 藁用蛤灰或石灰 和剉藁酒水 盛器掩置一兩旬句 取出用小灰水煮半日 便爛入臼內 杵春亦半日 便合 用大省功 藁亦不必去節 只細剉可也'
  6. 宋應星 天工開物 卷13 殺靑 造皮紙法
  7. 曹天生, 中國宜紙. 北京, 中國輕工業出版社. 2000. p. 172-173
  8. 加藤晴治, 和紙. II. 技術篇. 東京, 電氣大學出版局 1966. p. 116
  9. 沈德符 飛鳧語略 '高麗貢牋... 鋒不可留 行眞可貴 尙 獨稍不宜于畵 而董元宰酷愛之 蓋用黃子久潑 墨居多 不甚渲染故也'