Use of Mobile Devices in the Performance of Group Decision-Making under Contextual Pressure

  • 발행 : 2007.12.31


Mobile technology appears promising as a method to promote group performance in circumstances dependent on time, but not member proximity. However, the success of mobile technology in group decision-making situations has not yet been proven. This paper aims to see how mobile technology affects the performance of group decision-making tasks that should be resolved urgently and/or sources of idea are disconnected with on-line network. Laboratory experiment was used to investigate the effects of mobile factors on group decision-making. The results from the experiment supported the proposition that pressures of time and location play a significant role in the assessment of group decision performance measures. We found that the adoption of mobile technology to group decision-making procedures might be competitive when group decision-making tasks are urgent and sources of idea are disconnected with on-line network, even though mobile technology is not a panacea on which to depend when designing group decision-making.



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