Identifying Tools for Systemic Teaching Analysis in Higher Education

  • 발행 : 2007.10.30


The purpose of this study is to explore tools for systemic and integrated teaching analysis in recognition of problems derived from the existing teaching analysis which have been held fragmentarily and temporarily. In order to do so, a teaching analysis tools is identified by examining the current services of video-taping and analysis, which are the most representative teaching analysis methods among the Centers for Teaching and Learning (CTLs) in Korea, and by redefining teaching analysis through literature review. A teaching analysis is to be done to challenge teachers to change and grow by providing a motive to reflect on the act of teaching and carry out improvements, and it has to be held covering the general act of teaching and examined through diverse methods in systemic and multidimensional perspectives over a full period of teaching. In this study, an act of teaching is examined in four areas: planning, teaching skill, evaluation and reflection, and teaching analysis frameworks according to an act of teaching are suggested by periods of before, during, and after a term. Teaching analysis methods are also suggested by the frameworks.
