용접부의 피로강도 시험평가 및 해외규격과의 비교연구

Fatigue Tests of Welded Joints and Comparison Study of Foreign Codes

  • 구병춘 (한국철도기술연구원 철도시스템안전연구본부) ;
  • 김재훈 (한국철도기술연구원 철도시스템안전연구본부)
  • Goo, Byeong-Choon (Rail System Safety Department, Korea Railroad Research Institute) ;
  • Kim, Jai-Hoon (Rail System Safety Department, Korea Railroad Research Institute)
  • 발행 : 2007.02.28


A lot of fatigue tests on a material, JIS SM490A, with yielding strength of about 350 MPa and tensile strength of about 520 MPa were carried out. Various butt-welded specimens such as reinforcement removed, as-welded and weld toe ground, several types of fillet-welded specimens and full-size box type components were used. After having obtained S-N curves for the above- mentioned specimens, fatigue strengths were compared to those of foreign design codes, AWS, BS 7608 and ENV. It was found the fatigue strengths at low cycles are not in a good agreement with the foreign codes, but the fatigue limits are in a good agreement.



  1. BS 5400 Part 10, 1980, Steel, Concrete and Composite Bridge
  2. BS 7608, 1993, Code of Practice for Fatigue Design and Assessment of Steel Structures
  3. ENV-1993-1-1, Eurocode 3: Design of Steel Structures
  4. Structural Welding Code-steel 2004, American Welding Society, AWS
  5. KS D 3515, 용접구조용 압연 강재, 1997
  6. ASTM E466, 'Standard Test Method for Conducting Constant Amplitude Axial Fatigue Tests of Metallic Materials'
  7. B. C. Goo et al. : Development of Remaining Life Estimation Techniques for Rolling Stock Structures, Ministry of Science and Technology, Report No. M1-0203-00-0104, (2004), (in Korean)
  8. B. C. Goo et al. : Development of Remaining Life Estimation Techniques for Rolling Stock Structures, Korea Railroad Research Institute, Report No. KRRI-04-99, (2004), (in Korean)
  9. B. C. Goo et al. : Development of Remaining Life Estimation Techniques for Rolling Stock Structures, Korea Railroad Research Institute, Report No. KRRI-05-84, (2005), (in Korean)