나선 예측 모델에서의 비행체 하중수 및 각속도 최적 제어에 의한 제어성과 안정성 성능에 관한 연구

A Study for Controllability, Stability by Optimal Control of Load and Angular Velocity of Flying Objects using the Spiral Predictive Model(SPM)

  • 왕현민 (단국대학교 공과대학 전자공학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.03.01


These days many scientists make studies of feedback control system for stability on non-linear state and for the maneuver of flying objects. These feedback control systems have to satisfy trajectory condition and angular conditions, that is to say, controllability and stability simultaneously to achieve mission. In this paper, a design methods using model based control system which consists of spiral predictive model, Q-function included into generalized-work function is shown. It is made a clear that the proposed algorithm using SPM maneuvers for controllability and stability at the same time is successful in attaining our purpose. The feature of the proposed algorithm is illustrated by simulation results. As a conclusion, the proposed algorithm is useful for the control of moving objects.



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