경제적 스트레스와 결혼불안정성과의 관계 : 부부 상호작용을 중심으로

The Relationship between Economic Stress and Marital Instability : Focus on the Interaction Behaviors of Couples

  • 현은민 (안동대학교 생활환경복지학과)
  • Hyun, Eun-Min (Dept. of Family Environment & Welfare, Andong Univ.)
  • 발행 : 2007.02.28


This study explored the impact of couple interaction behaviors on the relationship between economic stress and marital instability. The study results showed that economic satisfaction and economic pressure greatly influenced the marital instability of married males and females. However, the interaction behaviors of couples tended to have a stronger impact on marital instability than economic stress. In other words, perceived spouse support and perceived spouse hostility had a significant impact on marital instability, with perceived spouse hostility being the more damaging of the two. The study also showed that there were sender differences regarding the impact of couple interaction behaviors on marital instability and economic stress. For married males, economic satisfaction as well as couple interactions influenced significantly on their marital instability. For females the impact of couple interactions on their marital instability tended to be more salient. On the whole, the results of the interaction effects between economic stress and couple interaction behaviors on marital instability did not appear significant, except in the case of females' perceived spouse hostility and its effect on marital instability.



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