택지개발지구에서의 비오톱 평가에 기초한 환경생태계획 기법 연구

Ecological Planning Technique for Considering Biotope Evaluation of Housing Development Districts

  • 이수동 (진주산업대학교 조경학과)
  • Lee, Soo-Dong (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Jinju National University)
  • 발행 : 2007.02.28


Since 1990, urban areas have been expanded rapidly due to the concentration of the population and several development projects including large scale apartment complexes and residential developments. Due to these development projects, the quality and functions of ecosystems have been continuously degraded, regardless of public agencies' efforts introducing development index, guideline, and amendment of law for sustaining the quality of ecosystems. Substantial guideline and content cannot expect the sustainable maintenance of nation's natural resources. Recent improve this situation, ecological planning was introduced, but research data of environments and objective systems were not enough showing the limits. The purposes of this study were to reduce the urban sprawl caused by residential development plans for environment-friendly residential developments, to establish applicable ecological planning, and to suggest the land use plans that reduce adverse effects of developments to nature ecosystem.



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