정지위성 TCP/IP 네트워크 전송 성능 향상

Performance enhancement of GSO FSS TCP/IP network

  • 발행 : 2007.02.28


This paper studied the transmission control protocol over IP network to enhance the performance of the GSO satellite communication networks. The focus of this study is how to reduce the long round trip time and the transmission data rates over satellite link in the bidirectional satellite network. To do it, this study applied the caching and spoofing technology. The spoofing technology is used to reduce the required time for the link connection during communication. The caching technology is to improve the transmission bandwidth efficiency in the high transmission data rate link The tests and measurements in this study was performed in the commercial GSO communication satellite network and the terrestrial Internet network. The results of this paper show that the studied protocol in this paper highly enhance the performance of the bidirectional satellite communication network compare to the using TCP/IP satellite network protocol.



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