동서간호학연구지 (Journal of East-West Nursing Research)
- 제13권1호
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- Pages.22-30
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- 2007
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- 1226-4938(pISSN)
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- 2671-8448(eISSN)
국.공립과 사립병원 간호사의 직무만족, 조직몰입, 간호조직문화 및 이직의도 비교
Comparison of Job Satisfaction, Commitment to Organization, Nursing Organization Culture and Job Experience between National/Public Hospital Nurses and Private Hospital Nurses
- Kim, Mi-Jeong (Uijeongbu Hospital) ;
- Han, Sang-Sook (College of Nursing Science, KyungHee University)
- 발행 : 2007.06.30
Purpose: This study was to analyze the differences of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, nursing organization culture and intention of separation between national/public and private hospital nurses and thereby, provide for some basic data useful to effective management of nursing human resources and improve the organizational performances. Method: The researcher sampled 464 clinical nurses working for 4 national/public hospitals and the same number of private hospitals in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province. The data collected from the questionnaire survey were statistically processed using the SPSS PC 12.0 program for