알바 알토와 안토니오 가우디의 교회건축 및 디자인 비교 연구 - 지역주의 디자인의 관점에서 -

A Comparative study on the religious buildings of Alvar Aalto and Antonio Gaudi - on the perspective of regionalistic design -

  • 양세은 (한양대학교 실내환경디자인학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.02.28


This study investigated and compared regional features of Aalto's buildings and Gaudi's on the assumption that their designs are based on the regional backgrounds. For it, two churches of each one we selected and analyzed about five divided spaces like disposition, the exterior, plan, structure and introduction and use of the sunlight. As result of analysis, following conclusions are induced: first, Aalto's church design and Gaudi's we similar in which they reflected the thought of regionalistic design. Nevertheless they are deferred in which Aalto accepted the international functionalism but Gaudi rejected it due to his deep belief. Second, they followed the tradition of the regional architecture. Third, both of them took in consideration the nature, but due to the difference of the contexts they are deferred in its use. Finally, both gave importance to the sunlight. But Aalto is from the country where lacks the light while Gaudi is from the country where abounds the light, so its use is different. This investigation shows several possibilities of design under the influence of its regional culture, which gets more important in this century.



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