유비쿼터스 환경의 서비스 융.복합 아키텍처

Technology for Verified Softwares

  • 발행 : 2007.01.31




  1. 양청삼, "u-IT839 전략으로 Dynamic u-KOREA 실현", 정보통신부, KTOA 2006, 37호, pp.66-72
  2. 백한진, "RIE 구현을 위한 전략", SDS Consulting Review 2004
  3. W3C, "Web Services Architecture", 2004. 2, http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/NOTE-wsarch- 20040211/
  4. Adobe, "Service Oriented Architecture", http: / /www. adobe. com/ent erpri se/ pdfs/ Services_Oriented_Architecture_from_Adob e.pdf
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  6. Malcolm attard, "Ubiquitous Web Services", http://www.cs.um.edu.mt/~csaw/CSAW03/Proceedings/UbiqWebServices.pdf
  7. Brenda M. Nilchel son, "Event-Driven Architecture Overview", Patricia Seybold Group, Feb. 2006
  8. W3C, "Web Services at W3C", http://www. w3.org/ 2003/Talks/1211-xml2003-wssoa/ slide6-0.html
  9. OASIS, "SOA", http://www.w3.org/2003 /Talks/1211-xml2003-wssoa/slide6-0.html
  10. Daryl C. Hunmer, "Software Architecture Will Evolve From SOA and Events to Service Virtulization", Gartner, March 2005
  11. Roy W Schulte, "Event-Driven Applications: Definition and Taxonomy", Gartner July 2003
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