Effects of the User's Perceived Threat to Freedom and Personalization on Intention to Use Recommendation Services

자유 위협과 개인화에 대한 사용자의 지각이 상품 추천 서비스 수용에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 2007.03.31


There are flourishing studies in the acceptance or usage of information systems literature. Most of them have taken the pro - acceptance view. Undesirably, information technologies often provoke users' reactance or resistance. This paper explores one of the negative reactions -psychological reactance. The present paper studies the effects of the users' perception of threatened freedom and personalization degree on intention to use recommendation services. High personalization can be a major motivation for users to accept recommendation systems. However recommendation services are a two-edged sword, which not only provides users the efficiency of decision making but also poses threats to free choice. When people consider that their freedom is reduced or threatened by others, they experience the motivational state to restore the freedom. This motivational state must be considered in understanding usage of information systems, especially personalized services which are designed for persuasion or compliance. This paper empirically investigates the effect of personalization and the psychological reactance on the intention to use information systems in the personalized recommendation context. Users' perception of personalization increases the usefulness of recommendation service while their perception of threat to freedom reduces the intention to use personalized recommendation service. Findings and implications are discussed.



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