인터넷 티켓팅 시스템의 사용과 만족에 영향을 미치는 요인

A Study on the Factors Affecting the Use and Satisfaction of Internet Ticketing Systems

  • 발행 : 2007.09.30


With the development of information technology (IT), various information systems (IS) such as Web-based systems and mobile systems have appeared utilizing different technologies. However, recent studies on IS use and user satisfaction rarely account for technological differences among IS and environmental characteristics where IS are intended to be used. The purpose of this research is to investigate the determinants of the use of Web-based ticketing systems for cultural activities and to empirically validate their relationships. Environmental psychology suggests that human beings respond to external stimuli from environments with their emotions, and their emotional states influence human actions, e.g., IS use in this research. Applying environmental psychology to the use of Web-based systems in the culture and entertainment industry, we propose that web site characteristics first influence a user's internal state of mind (i.e., flow) and then the flow state influences the IS use. Studies related to the state of flow collectively affirm the key role played by the flow construct in shaping individual attitudes and behaviors toward IS. Users' flow states are captured by their shopping enjoyment, perceived behavioral control, and the level of concentration on the IS use. Referring to social presence theory, we have included such web site characteristics as content quality, context of web site, and community quality. In our research model, a second order construct is utilized to represent web site quality, because flow theory suggests that holistic experiences with web-based systems (rather than individual characteristics of the web site) are important in explaining the IS use. Further, we have included trust as another important factor influencing the IS use since business transactions on the web encompass higher uncertainty comparing to offline transactions. In order to test our hypotheses, we have conducted an online survey which results in 1,141 valid responses in the final sample. The data were collected from respondents who have experiences in Internet ticketing systems. Although it was a convenient sample, the sample represents a wide variety of user demographics. Validity and reliability of the research instrument were tested and research hypotheses were examined using PLS Graph 3.0. The results indicate that web site characteristics significantly influence the level of user concentration, user's enjoyment in shopping, and perceived behavioral control. Further, the use of Internet ticketing systems is influenced by users' flow states and trust in the web channel. User satisfaction is turned out to be affected by the use of Internet ticketing systems. Unlike extant research on the relationship between web site characteristics and its use, our study has found that, in the culture and entertainment industry, the impact of web site characteristics on IS use is mediated by a user's flow state. This finding has a practical implication that web site design should include as many features that enhance shopping enjoyment and concentration. Other practical implications of these findings and future research implications are also discussed.



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