조선후기 한시(漢詩)에 나타난 음식문화 특성 - 기속시(紀俗詩)를 중심으로 -

A Study on the Food Culture of Chinese Poetry in the Latterly Chosun Dynasty - Focused on Korean Customs Poetry -

  • 김미혜 (호서대학교 자연과학대학 식품영양학과) ;
  • 정혜경 (호서대학교 자연과학대학 식품영양학과)
  • 발행 : 2007.10.31


This study is on the characteristics of the food culture through the written folk poetries which were described vividly the life customs peculiar to the Nation and so much that were Korean National customs papers written by Chinese poetry - during the latter part of the Choson period. It is used the way which is studied by the literature after collection, analysis, synthesis the analyzed second material of the latter part of the Choson period's written folk poetries. It is summarized to below five contents of the characteristics of the food culture through the written folk poetries. The first is the various and abundant food culture. The second, that is the food culture of praying blessing and praying a fruitful. The people prayed to be a year of abundance of food stuff and train oneself and have medicine for their health, but there has been repeated seasonably an occult action for being blessing which had settled down to the beginning of the year's customs. The third, it is the food culture of share tender feeling with among the people. The fourth, it is the food culture of business and economy's growth image. The fifth, it is the food culture of an image of economic distress and the trouble between rich and poor.



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