Comparative analysis of heart functions in micropigs and conventional pigs using echocardiography and radiography

  • Lee, Min-Young (College of Veterinary Medicine, Biotherapy Human Resources Center (BK21)) ;
  • Lee, Sang-Hun (College of Veterinary Medicine, Biotherapy Human Resources Center (BK21)) ;
  • Lee, Seung-Gon (College of Veterinary Medicine, Biotherapy Human Resources Center (BK21)) ;
  • Park, Soo-Hyun (College of Veterinary Medicine, Biotherapy Human Resources Center (BK21)) ;
  • Lee, Chai-Yong (College of Veterinary Medicine, Biotherapy Human Resources Center (BK21)) ;
  • Kim, Kye-Hun (Department of Cardiology, Chonnam National University Hospital, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Hwang, Sun-Ho (Department of Cardiology, Chonnam National University Hospital, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Lim, Sang-Yub (Department of Cardiology, Chonnam National University Hospital, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Ahn, Young-Keun (Department of Cardiology, Chonnam National University Hospital, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Han, Ho-Jae (College of Veterinary Medicine, Biotherapy Human Resources Center (BK21))
  • 발행 : 20070300


The production of miniature animals has been suggested for use in organ transplantation. At present, many of the studies about application of animal organs to human have been focused on pigs because of the number of advantages involved and due to their similarities with human. However, a physiological analysis of the organs to be transplanted has not yet been carried out. Therefore, this study analyzed whether or not there were physiological and morphological differences in the hearts of conventionallyreared pigs and micropigs. In this study, the morphological and physiological functions of the heart were examined using radiographic and echocardiographic equipment. In the lateral radiographic view, the heart of the micropig has a larger cardiac long axis : short axis ratio than does the conventional pig, but the difference in the vertebral heart score was not significant. In addition, there were no morphological differences on the X-ray fluoroscopic view. There were no differences in echocardiographic values, except for several values in the left ventricle traces. Overall, it is expected that the values measured in this study will contribute to understanding of the physiological characteristics of micropigs.



This work was supported by Korean Rural Development Administration (BioGreen 21 Program) and Stem Cell Research Program (M10641450001-06N4145-00110), Ministry of Science & Technology, Korea.


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