정신지체아동의 사회적 유능성과 문제행동 간의 관계

The Relationship Between Social Competence and Behaviour Problems of Children with Mental Retardation

  • 이미아 (부산대학교 특수교육과) ;
  • 강영심 (부산대학교 특수교육과) ;
  • 고민정 (부산대학교 특수교육과)
  • 투고 : 2007.01.08
  • 심사 : 2007.05.02
  • 발행 : 2007.08.31


The present research investigated the relationship between social competence and behaviour problems of children with mental retardation. Participants were 73 from both regular and special education schools. Social competence and behaviour problems were measured using the Teacher-Child Rating Scale. An important findings of this study described as the following. First, there were no significant differences in social competence and behaviour problems between boys and girls. Second, there were moderate significant differences in social competence between lower and higher grade children with mental retardation. Children who are higher grade had a significantly more social competence when compared with children who are lower grade. But there are no significant differences in behaviour problems between lower and higher grade. Third, there were moderate significant differences in social competence between lower and higher IQ children with mental retardation. Children who are higher IQ had a significantly higher level of social competence and significantly lower level of behaviour problems, when compared with children who are lower IQ. Forth, there were moderate significant differences in social competence between the regular schools and special education groups. Children who attended special education schools had a significantly higher level of social competence and significantly lower level of behaviour problems, when compared with children who attended regular schools. Fifth, social competence of children with mental retardation was negatively related to behaviour problems. These findings suggest that characteristics of social competence and behaviour problems of students with mental retardation should be considered in order to successfully implement social competence interventions of students with mental retardation.



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