보건소 관리 결핵환자의 퇴록시 치료성공 요인

Related Factors of Treatment Success of Patients with Tuberculosis Management in Public Health Centers

  • 발행 : 2007.12.30


Objectives: This retrospective study is to identify related factors of treatment success of patients with tuberculosis at community health centers. Methods: The subjects of this study were 1,417 patients with tuberculosis treated in 28 community health centers. The predictors of tuberculosis treatment success were analyzed in terms of 2 areas, which were characteristics of patients and health centers(TB control program). The characteristics of patients consist of 2 factors, such as demographic & diagnosis and treatment. The present conditions of health centers consist of 3 factors, location of centers, resources, and community activities. Data were analysed using X2- test and logistic regression methods. Results: The significant differences between success group and failure group were sex(p=0.003), age(p=0.013), job(p=0.000), type of patients(p=0.001), past history(p=0.029), BCG injection(p=0.009), sputum culture examination(p=0.017), period of treatment(p=0.000), location of center(p=0.001), population per staff(p=0.015), FTE(p=0.027), education days of staff(p=0.005), BCG injection rate(p=0.001), case detection rate (p=0.003), and health education provision rate(p=0.044). Then these variables were analysed using logistic regression analysis. Significant positive factors of treatment success were occupation(95% CI:1.3-6.1), periods of treatment(95% CI:1.5-2.2), center in large city(95% CI:1.2-16.7), center in middle city(95% CI:2.1-24.3), job education related TB(95% CI:1.02-1.3), and BCG injection rate(95% CI:1.1-303.4). Significant negative factors of treatment success were male(95% CI:0.1-0.5) and treatment after default(95% CI:0.005-0.5). Conclusions: Tuberculosis is still one of serious diseases in Korea, because it causes highest mortality rate among OECD countries. This study may provide information to improve treatment effectiveness of tuberculosis at community health centers.



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