개에서 신수(BL-23) 및 방광수(BL-28)에 대한 침술이 방광기능에 미치는 영향

The effect of acupuncture at BL-23 and BL-28 on function of the urinary bladder in dogs

  • 심사 : 2007.11.27
  • 발행 : 2007.12.30


This study was performed to investigate the effects of urinary acupoint (BL-23, BL-28) by acupuncture (AP) and electroacupuncture (EA) on urinary bladder in dogs. Four healthy male dogs aged within the range of 6~8 months were used in this experiment. For Electrodes implantation on the bladder, dogs were to undergo surgical operation. The purpose of investigating the effect on urinary bladder was to evaluate electromyogram (EMG) changes according to AP or EA at Shen Shu (BL-23), Pang Guang Shu (BL-28) and non-acupoint. AP and EA (2~4 V, 10 Hz) were applied for 20 min to each point. EMG was evaluated when acupuncture began stimulation and as soon as the stimulation by electroacupuncture was gone. By the experiment of investigating the effect of urinary time it was estimated to measure time up to urination from stimulation on effective acupoint, after saline was filled with 70% of whole volumes on urinary bladder. The wave of EMG on resting stage showed simple and regular, whereas that of EMG on urination showed irregularly strong peaks before urination. Acupuncture of BL-28 had an influence on changes of EMG which had irregular peaks on urination. But the changes of EMG after acupuncture of BL-28 and control were regular like resting stage. The changes of EMG after EA at BL-23 and BL-28 showed irregularly a variety of wave forms. The interval through urination from stimulation at BL-28 and control become short as measuring time by EA (p<0.01). According to the results, AP at BL-28 was effective to urinary bladder. EA at BL-23 and BL-28 was effective to urinary bladder. Especially, the interval on stimulating at BL-28 by EA was the shortest in measuring time to urination from stimulation.



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