Comparison of Physical Properties of PAE Polymer-Modified Mortars From Recycled Waste Artificial Marble and Waste Concrete Fine Aggregates

Hwang, Eui-Hwan;Hwang, Taek-Sung

  • 발행 : 20070700


In this study, we compared the properties of PAE (polyacrylic ester) polymer-modified mortars prepared from recycled waste artificial marbles and waste concrete fine aggregates. We used PAE emulsion as a polymer modifier; 30 types of specimens of polymer-modified mortars were prepared by varying the proportions of the polymer modifier and the recycled fine aggregates. To evaluate the properties of the polymer-modified mortars, we determined the air contents, water-cement ratios, unit weights, water absorptions, compressive strength, flexural strength, hot water resistance, and pore volumes. The compressive and flexural strengths of the specimens decreased upon increasing the replacement ratios of the recycled fine aggregates, while they increased upon increasing the additive amount of the polymer modifiers. For the specimens that were prepared from waste artificial marble, the compressive and flexural strengths of the specimens, determined after hot water resistance testing, were decreased significantly. The pore volumes, determined after hot water resistance testing had decreased.



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