수산교육의 인적자원 개발을 위한 수산고등학교 체제개편의 연구 - 호주, 일본 등 외국 교육체제와 직업교육을 통해 -

A study of Restructuring Fisheries School Education for HRD of Fisheries Educations -With Foreign Vocational Education and Educational System of Australia and Japan etc-

  • 투고 : 2007.02.05
  • 심사 : 2007.04.09
  • 발행 : 2007.04.30


The school system of fisheries high school was proper to specialist objective school system in order to training for expert human resource development.Training a field of human resources development from fisheries high school is fallow; fisheries production, seamen's training, ship engine and refrigerator, marine electronic telecommunication and information, fisheries foods production and fisheries foods production and distribution, fishery fisheries self-management, marine distribution, management and conservation of marine environment, safety and marine prevention of disasters, apparatus of marine development, under water area development.A new department opening and each department was revised toward to department name and department character. The unit-lesson hour of curriculum according to specialist objective school system of fisheries and marine highschool was revised. professional subject 98 unit-lesson hour(52%), normality subject 90 unit-lesson hour(48%), and educational activity of professional subject 10unit-lesson hour, total training activity 10 unit-lesson hour. And the special objective school system need to revise curriculum of 208 total unit-lesson hour.



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