Use of DNA Methylation for Cancer Detection and Molecular Classification

  • Zhu, Jingde (Cancer Genetics and Gene Therapy program, The State-key Laboratory for Oncogenes and Related Genes, Shanghai Cancer Institute, Shanghai Jiaotong University) ;
  • Yao, Xuebiao (Division of Cellular Dynamics, Hefei National Laboratory)
  • 발행 : 2007.03.31


Conjugation of the methyl group at the fifth carbon of cytosines within the palindromic dinucleotide 5'-CpG-3' sequence (DNA methylation) is the best studied epigenetic mechanism, which acts together with other epigenetic entities: histone modification, chromatin remodeling and microRNAs to shape the chromatin structure of DNA according to its functional state. The cancer genome is frequently characterized by hypermethylation of specific genes concurrently with an overall decrease in the level of 5-methyl cytosine, the pathological implication of which to the cancerous state has been well established. While the latest genome-wide technologies have been applied to classify and interpret the epigenetic layer of gene regulation in the physiological and disease states, the epigenetic testing has also been seriously explored in clinical practice for early detection, refining tumor staging and predicting disease recurrence. This critique reviews the latest research findings on the use of DNA methylation in cancer diagnosis, prognosis and staging/classification.



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